Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Week 4 Day 1 - Wow I cannot believe I didn't get one post in last week. It really was a hectic week for me. Work is ramping up after the holiday and new year break and my husband was gone! Anyway, it was a fantastic BTWG week. I had really solid workouts and ended up uping my weights a bit more and adding 5 reps to my core workout by the end of the week. I had a great time running with fellow yogis and BTWG participants on Sunday.
That being said, I am so ready for this recovery week. And aren't we lucky that we will have some really unseasonably nice weather to walk/run in? I feel that sun is like a filled prescription! I looked over the next month strength/toning (Holy Sh*t!) I think that it will be a butt kicker and make me humble again. I was feeling pretty full of myself by the end of week 3. But I'll be ready.
Best things about this project so far:
Cutting my caffeine and not whining about it anymore
Getting back to the joys of cooking with my husband - he's just my best buddy
Sticking to a workout routine and making real progress
The wonderful people I am sharing this journey with . Seriously you guys are just too cool. ;>)

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